Project overview
What we do for you. The solutions we implement to meet your requirements. With you. For you.
What we do for you. The solutions we implement to meet your requirements. With you. For you.
Perfectly translated international SEO content: successful search engine optimisation for an ideal online presence in the global marketplace
E-learning with videos, animation and screencasts. Plus translation and voice-overs into multiple languages. In short, a full-service project.
Not only is the new website translated into four languages, but there are two versions of the same language for different sales approaches.
The company attaches great importance to communicating with its employees – and doing it in their own language. The employee magazine appears in Spanish.
Putting across complex content in an engaging way by addressing the target group directly by means of product videos with subtitles, even in China.
Information Unlimited: COPA-DATA customers are kept informed in over 100 countries – in perfect English.
Roll-up banners, building-site banners, door lettering: the customers don’t always want to be named. But we can talk about the projects.